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Welcome Lori Belton


June brings exciting news here at our tiny wellness center. Please help me to welcome Lori Belton. You might have been fortunate enough to have met her as our intern from the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy (my alma mater).

Lori is offering Reiki Sessions beginning on Tuesday, June 26th. She will resume offering massage appointments as soon as she is granted licensure by the state. Lori has a warm, peaceful and compassionate spirit as well as a humble sense of humor. I look forward to working with her and having her support your wellness with her wonderful presence and skilled hands. More info about Lori here. More about Reiki here.


Reiki offering schedule: Tuesdays 2:30-7p Weds 8:30-1 Fridays 2:30-7 Saturdays 8:30-1 (twice per month) Live in wellness, Adrienne

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    When we include links to products they are ones we use and find to be good quality, some links may be to affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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